Zinovii Pinkusevich Shulman
A tribute on his 75th birthday
23rd February 1999

Photos from Chris Petrie.

This page shows a few photographs which serve as reminders of some memorable and happy occasions when we met Zinovii and his wife, Ira. If I had been better organized, I should have found more and made a better tribute.
Each small picture is linked to a larger version The files are mostly from 60K to 80K in size.

Edinburgh, Odessa and Minsk
The BSR Golden Jubilee (with Kulichikhin, Korobko, Sazonova and others) The Vinogradov Memorial Symposium (with Levitsky, Plate, Kemblowski, Petrie and one whose name I have forgotten) The home team (mainly) (and Bill Bullough)


There is a proper page of tributes based in Minsk.

Page constructed for 23rd February 1999.
This page is maintained by Professor Chris Petrie.